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» Motivul asasinarii printesei
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Mar Iun 01, 2010 4:26 pm Scris de Admin

» Banca Vaticanului suspectata pentru spalare de bani
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Mar Iun 01, 2010 4:24 pm Scris de Admin

» Discursul lui Mahmoud Ahmadinejad la ONU, boicotat de numeroase delegatii occidentale
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:17 am Scris de Admin

» AIEA nu poate confirma caracterul pasnic al programului nuclear iranian
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:16 am Scris de Admin

» Fost ministru iranian, injunghiat de o persoana necunoscuta
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:12 am Scris de Admin

» SUA acuza Iranul ca ignora regulile privind reducerea armamentului nuclear
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:09 am Scris de Admin

» Norul de cenusa vulcanica se reintoarce!
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:04 am Scris de Admin

» Una dintre cutiile negre ale avionului prezidenţial polonez a fost găsită
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Sam Apr 10, 2010 4:00 pm Scris de Admin

» Avionul la bordul căruia se afla preşedintele polonez s-a prăbuşit. Nu există supravieţuitori
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Icon_minitime1Sam Apr 10, 2010 3:57 pm Scris de Admin



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Motivul asasinarii printesei

Mar Iun 01, 2010 4:26 pm Scris de Admin

Prinţesa Diana a fost asasinată în 1997 pentru că plănuia să facă
dezvăluiri cu privire la rolul Marii Britanii în comerţul cu arme, a
declarat luni avocatul Michael Mansfield, citat de cotidianul britanic
Daily Express în ediţia electronică.

Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Printesa-diana-afp

Mansfield a declarat că prinţesa …

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Banca Vaticanului suspectata pentru spalare de bani

Mar Iun 01, 2010 4:24 pm Scris de Admin

Institutul pentru Opere Religioase, care administrează
conturile ordinelor religioase şi ale asociaţiilor catolice, este o
structură ce beneficiază de extrateritorialitatea acordată statului
pontifical, prin urmare nu este obligat să respecte normele
financiare aflate în vigoare pentru instituţiile

Potrivit La Repubblica, zece bănci italiene, printre care şi
cele mai mari, …

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Discursul lui Mahmoud Ahmadinejad la ONU, boicotat de numeroase delegatii occidentale

Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:17 am Scris de Admin

Delegatii si diplomatii au plecat in timp ce Ahmadinejad se
lansase intr-o serie de critici la adresa tarilor dotate cu arma
nucleara, in special Statele Unite, acuzandu-le ca ameninta cu
aceasta arma tarile care nu o poseda.

google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei …

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AIEA nu poate confirma caracterul pasnic al programului nuclear iranian

Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:16 am Scris de Admin

"In cazul Iranului, agentia continua sa efectueze controale
pentru a se asigura ca materialele (nucleare) declarate nu sunt
deturnate", a declarat Yukiya Amano.
Dar AIEA "ramane incapabila sa confirme ca toate
materialele nucleare sunt folosite in mod pacific, deoarece Iranul
nu coopereaza asa cum ar trebui", a adaugat el.
AIEA a propus in octombrie ca Iranul sa ii livreze, …

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Fost ministru iranian, injunghiat de o persoana necunoscuta

Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:12 am Scris de Admin

"Ahmad Motamedi a fost agresat cu un cutit in biroul sau
din Universitatea Amir Kabir din Teheran de catre o persoana
necunoscuta", potrivit Mehr.
Agresorul, in varsta de aproximativ 40 de ani, a fost arestat de
paznicii universitatii.
Motamedi a fost transferat la spital, unde a suferit o
interventie chirurgicala, potrivit agentiei.
Motivele acestei agresiuni nu sunt cunoscute.

Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei …

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SUA acuza Iranul ca ignora regulile privind reducerea armamentului nuclear

Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:09 am Scris de Admin

Hillary Clinton l-a acuzat pe liderul de la Teheran ca ignora regulile
privind reducerea armamentului nuclear, adaugand ca Iranul ar trebui sa
fie sanctionat.Asta dupa ce Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a declarat ca SUA nu are
dovezi concrete ca Iranul ar avea armament nuclear si ca uraniul
imbogatit este folosit in scop civil.Liderul de la Teheran a refuzat oferta

de a colabora cu Franta si Rusia in …

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Norul de cenusa vulcanica se reintoarce!

Mar Mai 04, 2010 11:04 am Scris de Admin

In schimb
autoritatile aeronautice din Marea Britanie si vestul Europei au
anuntat ca zborurile nu vor fi afectate. Luna trecuta, norii de cenusa
aruncati de un vulcan din Islanda au provocat cel mai mare haos din
transportul aerian.Peste 6 milioane de pasageri au ramas la sol, iar
companiile aeriene au inregistrat pierderi de un miliard si jumatate de

Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei …

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Una dintre cutiile negre ale avionului prezidenţial polonez a fost găsită

Sam Apr 10, 2010 4:00 pm Scris de Admin

Una dintre cutiile negre ale avionului prezidenţial polonez, prăbuşit
sâmbătă în apropiere de Smolensk, în vestul Rusiei, a fost găsită la
locul catastrofei, a declarat o sursă din cadrul administraţiei
regionale, citată de agenţia Interfax.

Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Accident-aviatic2-presedinte-polonez-afp

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Avionul la bordul căruia se afla preşedintele polonez s-a prăbuşit. Nu există supravieţuitori

Sam Apr 10, 2010 3:57 pm Scris de Admin

Un avion Tupolev 154, la bordul căruia se afla preşedintele polonez
Lech Kaczynski, s-a prăbuşit, sâmbătă, la aterizare într-o pădure din
apropiere de Smolensk, în vestul Rusiei, provocând moartea tuturor
persoanelor aflate la bord, au anunţat autorităţile poloneze şi ruse.
Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Moz-screenshot


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    Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei


    Mesaje : 293
    Puncte : 889
    Reputatie : 0
    Data de inscriere : 29/12/2009
    Varsta : 33
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei Empty Reacţiile unor experţi la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei

    Mesaj Scris de Admin Mar Feb 09, 2010 5:27 pm

    Îmi cer scuze cititorilor care nu cunosc limba engleză, dar
    m-am grabit să prezint publicului român reacţiile unor experţi cu
    privire la Noua Doctrină Militară a Rusiei în care expansiunea NATO
    este privită ca ameninţare la adresa securităţii naţionale şi care
    reafirmă dreptul Rusiei de a folosi arme nucleare dacă este ameninţat

    Noua doctrină militară care a primit acordul Kremlinului
    consideră instalarea scutului antirachetă american în Europa drept o
    ameninţare la adresa securităţii naţionale, la fel ca şi dorinţele de
    expanasiune ale NATO în Europa de Est.

    Russia’s new military doctrine approved
    Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the
    use of any types of weapons of mass destruction against it or any of
    its allies. President Medvedev has approved Russia’s new military
    Along with the policy for nuclear deterrence the two documents
    outline Moscow’s approach to military conflicts and use of nuclear
    weapons through 2020.
    Petiţie pentru organizarea unui REFERENDUM privind amplasarea scutului antirachetă american pe teritoriul României
    The news came following a session of the National Security Council,
    where the Russian president announced his approval to other members.
    The texts of the documents were published on the Russian president’s
    official website,, on Friday. The date of its publication, February 5, appeared to be quite symbolic – it coincided with the start of the 46th Munich Security Conference, which is focused on the future of global and European security.
    Earlier, several officials involved in the creation of Russia’s new
    military doctrine said it would provide more liberties in terms of the
    use of nuclear weapons. Stronger reliance on nuclear deterrence is to
    compensate for the downsizing of the Russian armed forces. The military
    reduction, however, is part of a major military reform, which is aimed
    at making the army better equipped to meet modern challenges.
    Experts’ opinion:

    Sergey Utkin, Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations:
    “I think the doctrine itself is partly a PR stand. People issue
    these sorts of documents for the general public to read them. It’s
    obviously not for the military staff and I hope it won’t affect
    relations with the West, because it is anti-Western to a certain
    extent. I also hope that most of the Western countries, NATO countries,
    will perceive it more as rhetoric.”

    Ruslan Pukhov, Director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies:
    “In fact the new doctrine – especially in terms of use of
    nuclear weapons – is even milder than the previous one approved back in
    1993. Back then Russia abandoned the Soviet principle not to use
    nuclear weapons first and stated it could be the first to use it in
    case of some critical threat to its national security. Now the new
    doctrine says “in response to the use of any types of weapons of mass
    destruction,” which is already a precondition that hadn’t existed
    before. We also understand that both chemical and biological types of
    weapons are almost never used nowadays, so it’s practically about
    nuclear attack only. I would even regard that softened wording as a
    concession to the international community.”

    Russia’s biggest military threats

    “Despite the decrease in the possibility of unleashing a
    large-scale aggression using conventional arms and nuclear weapons
    against the Russian Federation, military threats to the Russian
    Federation have increased in a number of areas,”
    reads the document.
    According to the new doctrine, Russia views the expansion of NATO as
    a primary threat to its security, as well as part of a tendency to give
    NATO global security functions.
    Another threat mentioned is the deployment of the strategic missile
    defense system that undermines international stability and violates the
    established balance of forces.
    Arms deployment in space and the creation of new high-precision
    conventional weapons are also listed as threats in the doctrine.
    Experts’ opinion:

    Ruslan Pukhov, Director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies:
    “First of all, we never know how the world will look like in 10
    years. Secondly, even now there are several states that claim part of
    Russia’s territory to be their national territory – for instance,
    Japan. Also, the border hasn’t been demarked with some of Russia’s
    neighbors, so we cannot exclude that some international alliance can
    use armed forces against Russia and it will have to defend itself.”

    Alexander Nikitin, Director of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Security of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations:
    “There are indeed at least a few areas where the potential
    dangers for Russia have increased. First of all it’s clearly the
    territories of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the past few years the
    control of the Kabul government over the regions of the country
    dramatically decreased. So there are probabilities of expansion of
    various military threats from those uncontrolled provinces toward the
    north of Central Asia, where Russia created a military alliance with
    five former Soviet states. No wonder that the last exercises of the
    Collective Security Treaty Organization were focused on prevention of
    interference by unauthorized armed groups and gangs from the
    territories of nearby Islamic states into the territory of Central

    “We should also understand that the appearance of nuclear
    weapons in the hands of such states as Pakistan and North Korea, with
    their unpredictable policies, creates new type of threat in comparison
    to the times of the Cold War.”

    Russia’s possible response

    The new doctrine stipulates Russia’s right to use its armed forces beyond its borders “for
    the purpose of the protection of the interests of the Russian
    Federation and its citizens, as well as the maintenance of
    international peace and security.”

    Threats to the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and
    to its constitutional order are also mentioned as potential tasks for
    the military to deal with.
    Experts’ opinion:

    Ruslan Pukhov, Director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies:
    “I believe nobody should be surprised about those response
    measures. The US and France openly reserve their right to protect their
    citizens abroad, so why shouldn’t Russia do the same? I believe it’s a
    good sign anyway that we act honestly and publicly, openly stating our
    rights before we need to implement them, and not when it comes to

    Alexander Nikitin, Director of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Security of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations:
    “Actually, most countries, including most former Soviet states,
    as well as most European and Asian states – all of them follow the
    regular practice of the UN, that military forces can be used abroad
    under certain conditions. Even the UN Charter, which prohibits the use
    of force outside national borders, has two exceptions. The first
    exception is Article 51, which allows for the use of military forces
    for self-defense – that was exactly how Americans explained the start
    of their operation in Afghanistan back in 2001; the second case is
    Chapter 7 of the UN charter, where the use of force can be used
    collectively by a group of nations in the case of clear and present
    danger to international security caused by any state or any political
    regime. That was the case with Iraq, which Russia had supported. So the
    principle is not new at all, and even loyal to the UN Charter, as you
    can see. Besides, there is a common principle in international law that
    a country can use all means, including military ones, in case its
    citizens are attacked somewhere abroad. This is exactly the case with
    the American operation in Grenada in 1983, with numerous operations to
    free diplomats taken hostage in various embassies, and finally with
    Russia’s military involvement in South Ossetia in August last year.

      Data/ora curentă este: Sam Sept 21, 2024 5:47 am